Thursday, April 7, 2011

Awards and Recognition

Hope Through Grace, Inc.

Member – National Colorectal Cancer Round Table (NCCRT), 2010 to date.
Member – Director’s Consumer Liaison Group, National Cancer Institute (NCI), 2006 – 2010.
Cited for testimony “Living Beyond Cancer: Finding a New Balance” President’s Cancer Panel,  National Cancer Institute (NCI), 2003.

Grace L. Butler, Ph.D.

Founder and CEO, Hope Through Grace, Inc.  A non-profit 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to eliminate colorectal cancer, 2001 – to date.
Professor Emeritus – University of Houston, 2001 to date.
Featured, “Colon Cancer Survivor Makes a Difference in Her Community” The Colon Examiner, American Cancer Society, 2005.
Member – Initial Review Group, Scientific Review Committee, Subcommittee A-Cancer Centers, National Cancer Institute (NCI), 2004-2006.
Honoree, “Encourage the Fight,” Starlight Gala, benefiting the American Cancer Society, 2003.
Recipient, “Partners in Courage Award,” American Cancer Society (ACS), Houston, TX 2001 .
Member, “Action Plan on Colorectal Cancer for the State of Texas” Steering Committee, Texas Cancer Council, 2000.
Member, American Leadership Forum, Class XII, Houston, TX, 1994-to date.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Protect the Colorectal Cancer Control Program!

Leaders in Congress are working this week and next week to finalize the fiscal year 2011 appropriations bills. The House has recommended cutting the overall budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by 20%! A majority of programs at the agency would lose funding including – potentially, the Colorectal Cancer Control Program. Contact your Representative and Senators now and ask them to protect investment in this life-saving program.
NOW is the time to contact your representative and your two senators and have your voice heard. Take action-- complete the form below then help us spread the word.

CDC Says Black Men Have Highest Rates of Colorectal Cancer

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 04:02 AM PDT
In 2007, 62 out of every 100,000 black men in the United States were diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer, the highest rate of colorectal cancer of any US group.
Overall, men were more likely to get colorectal cancer than women — almost 53 of every 100,000 American males compared to 40 per 100,000 females.
Reporting colorectal cancer incidence rates for 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged regular colorectal cancer screening for all average risk adults 50 years and older to cut deaths from colorectal cancer.
According to the CDC, 142,672 Americans were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2007, including 72,755 men and 69,917 women.
Incidence rate means how many people out of a given number get a disease in a given year.  Colorectal cancer incidence rates are reported per 100,000 people.
Across all groups, 52.7 of every 100,000 men were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2007 and 39.7 per 100,000 women.
The incidence rates per 100,000 men were:
§ Blacks: 62.0
§ Whites: 51.5
§ Hispanics: 44.8
§ Asian/Pacific Islanders: 39.7
§ American Indians/Alaska Native: 33.5
For women,  incidence rates were
§ Blacks: 47.1
§ Whites: 38.5
§ Hispanics: 32.6
§ Asian/Pacific Islanders: 31.1
§ American Indians/Alaska Native: 28.8
The CDC estimates that as many as 60 percent of colorectal cancer deaths could be prevented if all men and women age 50 and over were screened routinely.
Data comes from the United States Cancer Statistics: 1999–2007 Cancer Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Finding Your Inspiration

Finding Your Inspiration

Pottery, Poetry and Patios
Posted by Mary Miller on March 26th, 2011
What do they have in common? All are forms of creative expression that cancer patients have used to “add life to their days,” wrote oncologist Evan Lipson, MD, of Johns Hopkins University in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (online edition Feb. 7, 2011).
One of his patients, Mike, was building a stone patio in his backyard because it was “therapeutic, physical, and something I could control and have a sense of accomplishment.”
Among the “unique and remarkable ways that people living with cancer make the most of their time,” Lipson has observed several themes: exercising, leaving a legacy, activism, building relationships, giving. And the most powerful, he thinks, is “creating something.”
It can be painting, pottery, gardening, writing—any outlet to express unspeakable feelings, to get a brief vacation from the roller-coaster of cancer, and/or to leave something behind.
Several studies have shown tangible physical results—improved lung function in patients having asthma; decreased pain in rheumatoid arthritis; and in a 2010 review of 12 studies in cancer patients, improved psychological states and perceived quality of life.
In his own patients, Lipson wrote, he has seen them find “relaxation, solace, calm, catharsis, and healing.” He added, “What you end up creating is not important. What matters is that the process feels good.” If it doesn’t feel good, it’s fine to move on to something else. Instead of judging the outcome according to some external standard, Lipson said, “A project is worthwhile because it comes from inside you.”
Source: Journal of Clinical Oncology (online edition Feb. 7, 2011)
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, where have you found your inspiration to keep going everyday? We would like to hear your stories.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fight Colorectal Cancer Endorses Life-Saving Legislation Introduced by Representatives Kay Granger (R-TX) and Jim McGovern (D-MA) Along With Senators Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – March 7, 2011 – Fight Colorectal Cancer is pleased to endorse this bipartisan and bicameral legislation that will ensure access to colorectal cancer screening and treatment by authorizing grant funding for states and local health departments. The “Colorectal Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment Act” (H.R. 912/S. 494) will protect the men and women who are within the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening, but not yet eligible for Medicare.

With an estimated 51,370 deaths last year, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Of the men and women expected to die of colorectal cancer in 2011, 50% could be saved if they were tested earlier.

Screening saves lives in two ways, by preventing cancer when pre-cancerous polyps are.....Find out more information by clicking here!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Things YOU should know in March!

- Get the latest News and Announcements from 
Hope Through Grace!

- Send an E-Card to friends and family.
Remind them to get screened!

- Have you heard about the latest legislation regarding colorectal cancer?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 Congressional Butt-In

Congressional Butt-In

(We are passing on this information from the Colorectal Cancer Coalition. Their website is

What: 2011 Congressional Butt-In

When: Wednesday, March 2 – Thursday, March 3, 2011

How: Call 1-866-615-3375 anytime from 9 AM to 5:30 PM EDT

More Info: Email

Your call really will make a difference! Legislators want to hear from advocates like you. Listen to other advocates who have taken the time to Butt-In to Congress talk about why it is so important.

Help us get a National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program passed into law. Call Congress at 866-615-3375 on March 2nd or 3rd.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

6th Annual Walk-A-Thon

Will you help?
Please take some time to help a cause that we are passionate about. Did you know that colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women, but is PREVENTABLE? If you get regular screenings you can catch the disease before it gets too late. Or too COSTLY. For the under-served community though, insurance costs and co-pays are too burdensome and people are not getting screened. 

Hope Through Grace makes it their mission to not only educate the community about the importance of getting baseline colonoscopies, but they help fund screenings for those who cannot afford it. They are saving lives! On March 26th I would like you to join me in participating in a most worthy cause, to eliminate colon cancer in our community. I have registered online for the 6th Annual Hope Through Grace Walk-A-Thon and I hope you will join me. My goal is to form a team of 10 walkers. It is a simple $25 fee to register and funds raised go towards helping Harris County residents receive baseline colonoscopies.      

We all know about Breast Cancer and other worthy causes, but colon cancer falls to wayside because - well, it's not something most people want to talk about. But the reality of the situation is that people are dying and that can be prevented.

If you do nothing else today, please just inform yourself on the risks of colon cancer and how you can screened.

If you are not able to attend on March 26th (you should because it's going to be fun!) please click on the link provided to make a donation. Any size contribution - large or small - helps the underserved members of our community receive colonoscopies that they cannot afford. We are helping to PREVENT COLON CANCER!

Follow This Link to start a team and register today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Are you ready to get moving?!


2011 will mark the 6th year that we have hosted our annual walk-a-thon. It is one of our most fun events; to plan as well as participate! From the very beginning Hope Through Grace has wanted to promote living healthy lifestyles, and what better way to do that than to get the community moving?! Each and every year brings out more participants than the last and we are excited to keep growing, spread awareness on the important of colon cancer screenings and meet more members of our community.

Our 2010 Colon Cancer Challenge Walk-A-Thon showed a 200% increase in attendance! Thank you to our sponsors and supporters!

2011 plans to be even bigger than last year, so click the link below for more information!

2011 Hope Through Grace Walk-A-Thon registration information

“On the Move To Stop Colon Cancer”

Join Us:

Saturday, March 26, 2010

8:00am – Registration Begins

9:00am – Walk-A-Thon 


Tom Bass Park III

15108 Cullen Blvd.

Houston, TX 77047

Check out photos from last Year’s Event: We had a blast! Walk-a-Thon 2010